Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wowy - wow - wow

So just a quick post from the hospital - Samuel is now here and we are getting in the swing of things. I will write a longer post when we get home but Samuel was born on Thursday evening at 9:55pm. It was quite a dramatic entrance into the world and it has been a whirlwind since.

He was born via emergency c-section bcs his cord was wrapped around his neck 3 times and his heart rate went down substantially. Thankfully they brought it back high enough so they could do a proper incision on me so I don't need to have a c-section next time. If his heart rate did not increase that amount then they would have done another incision that would have needed me to have a c-section with the next baby no matter what. So a slight silver lining there on top of everything.

So a quick summary for me to remember for my longer post - I need to run bcs Jordan, my Mom and grandmother are here:

Wed. went to hospital for 8:30pm; did 4 doses (4 hours apart) of Cytec.
Thursday after the 4 doses started around 4pm and then until 9pm. Just as we were deciding to shut down the pitocin and then get a good nights rest and restart in the morning. Heart dropped; baby born about 5 minutes later. My mom was there the whole time.

Brought us down to new room around 3am. I was on magnesium and a few other items via IV (an antibiotic and morphine for pain).

Mum visited in the morning; my Dad; Jon and Christina in the later afternoon; Colleen; then Chris and Mum and Dad at night.

Thursday: Took the mag. off and IVs 24 hours later - felt much better. Baby was up all night cluster feeding, we got no rest. Next day my mom came in to help out. I showered and felt much better; walked around the floor a few times.

Cluster fed all night; but we were side lining so felt better. Today Geoff's parent visited and he was still very fussy and wanted to feel every half hour. Finally the lacation consultant said he was not swallowing so we supplemented his feeding and he is a very happy baby now. I do not care about needing to supplement - I just want a happy and healthy baby. Jordan also visited then my Mom and Nana as well.

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