Saturday, December 5, 2009

4 More Days to Go

So today has been a pretty productive yet restful day. I slept almost 8 hours last night - the most in about a week. I slept in the guest bed downstairs which seems to work better for me these days. I woke up between 3 and 4pm, listened to the Hypno birthing affirmations, ate a banana and then went back to sleep until 7am.

Last night Geoff went to Belmont and picked up his movies that we had left there. we watched about half of Anchorman and I went to bed and he went to play poker at Mike's.

Today I spent most of the morning doing online Christmas shopping in bed and then spent most of the afternoon organizing our receipts (naturally in bed ;) Geoff ran some errands for us, and most importantly went to Jordan's with Kurt to pick up the chair for the nursery. After that he returned the keg that has been sitting on our deck since our B-day party, and also stocked up on wine and the like for the holidays and when I get out of the hospital. He bought a lot of our favorite wines - I am so dying for a glass of red wine at this point - it is kind of painful. I have only had one sip (accidentally) of champagne the entire pregnancy. I doubt it would make a difference at this point, but what is 4 more days?

So Geoff just put a load of laundry in for me to I can finish packing my hospital bags. We are going to bring them to the hospital tomorrow in case they end up keeping me. I am sort of half planning for them to keep me just in case. My blood work from Friday morning came back normal (the nurse called me after 5pm yesterday) so that is reassuring, but I guess you really never know with this.

My mom has offered to come over and help with whatever we need tomorrow, which is really sweet, but I feel bad asking her to clean when we can just pay someone to do that. But I know she just really wants to help and see me. I am trying to think of things she can help with that are sort of fun for her and not strenuous.

If they let me go home tomorrow morning then I have a massage scheduled at 3:15pm. That and another one for Tuesday evening. If I get to use those then I will still have one left over for after the baby which will be kind of nice.

Well Geoff and I are going to watch a movie and then have leftovers from last night for dinner.

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