My last post was almost a week ago today and I have come to terms with how difficult it is to actually find 5 minutes to draft a blog post ;) Last week was busy and fun - on Wednesday Geoff watched the baby so I could get out of the house by myself! :) I had a mani/pedi at Skintelligent in Belmont Center, then came back to the house bcs my sister, brother and Holly had come over for a visit. It was the first time Kevin had met Samuel bcs he had just finished up school for the semester. I pumped and then headed to the Burlington mall to buy myself clothes that would fit me for X-mas and were not from the maternity section. Anne Taylor was having a 40% off everything sale so I picked up a green cardigan and camisole and then a black dress - all as strategically fitting as possible to help hide my flabby belly. The dress was a size 10 - not horrible, but def. not my normal size 6.
After that I went to Whole Foods - which was so crowded there were no shopping carts - so I used one of the specialty carts with a car seat on it. I just did not care - technically I have a baby - it was just not on me at the moment ;)
Thursday I finished up wrapping X-mas gifts (I hit a new low with mini gift bags for all my gift certificates ;) and then we went to Geoff's parents for Chinese take-out. We skipped my family's Christmas Eve this year bcs it would have been a lot and I did not want to risk exposing him to that many germs.
Christmas day we went to Geoff's parents for stocking and some breakfast from 9-10:30am, we then stopped by the house so I could pump, and then headed to Saugus for most of the afternoon. We has a great time at my parents house and basically all my favorite family members stopped by - in total there was around 25 of us. We stayed there till 3:30pm and then went back to Belmont to open presents for 4pm.
After presents I needed a nap! Geoff made up a bed in the apartment in Belmont, so I laid down for about 20 minutes but did not sleep. It was then dinner time so I had to get up. I felt kind of bad though bcs Geoff's Mum did all the prep work and cooking and after dinner we left so she ended up having to do all the clean up work as well. It is usually more balanced, and I know we kind of have an excuse this year, but I still felt bad bcs she was tired herself.
On Saturday, I minded the baby so Geoff could sleep in and get a good stretch of 7-8 hours of sleep - the most since Samuel arrived. The service guy from Jordan's came in the early afternoon to fix the massaging recliner and that was about it for the day - we did not leave the house ;)
Sunday (yesterday) I went to pick up the Alphabet print that was at the framer's and then went to Starbucks (grande skinny caramel latte at noon - thank you very much) and then to Trader Joe's to get some stuff for dinner this week. My Mom dropped in yesterday for an hour to see Samuel and then Geoff's parents came over as well. I was napping for most of the time his parent's were here, and then got up and made dinner.
I am still trying to pump 10 times a day to keep up my supply in light of Samuel not being able to do the trick. It is really time consuming but worth it. I don't mind having to pump during the day, but the ones in the early hours really stink bcs I can hardly keep my eyes open as it is for him, no less a machine ;)
Must run to wake him and feed him. As of last night he was up to 7 pounds and 11 ounces - I can't wait for him to hit the 8 pound mark!
So what is the news from geoffs parents?! Im dying to know!! so glad baby is growing well, and sorry to hear pumping is a drag... sigh.