Monday, December 14, 2009

Ahhh - what a difference a day makes

So life has been pretty good for us since we started to supplement Samuel's feedings. It was just really kind of miserable before that, he would just never settle for a substantial amount of time and Geoff and I were spending every waking minute feeding him (or in some process of feeding him.) Seeing as he was 3 weeks early his swallowing functionality was not quite developed (I guess 37 weekers can go either way) but now he is like a different baby altogether. It is so much more manageable and dare I say relaxing :)

Today Geoff and Samuel slept in for a while (till about 9:30am) and then we needed to wake him to feed. After that I showered and got dressed for the day and did about 20 or so laps around the hospital floor, replying to emails on my phone all along the way. I also got a chance to blow dry my hair and put on make-up, I almost feel human and back to my old self (minus the 20 staples in my stomach and all the extra fluid and weight that is still on my body frame). My pain from the c-section is almost all gone, it is really quite amazing how fast your body heals. I thought the first day I was recovering I felt so awful bcs of the surgery, but it was really from the magnesium IV. I had no idea, but I guess (and have been told by numerous staff members here) how the magnesium (Mag they call it) can do a number on you and most moms can't even feed their babies they feel so awful. I am kind of happy I did not know that at the time bcs maybe knowing that I would have made a mental excuse and not dealt with feeding him under the circumstances.

So today my boss Pama and Kim are coming to visit us (well really any minute now). After that I imagine my Mom will visit and give Geoff a chance to go home for a little while for a sanity break.

Tomorrow is our big discharge date - I think I could have pushed to go home today but I am happy spending another night here to confirm that he is still on track and everything is a-okay. It will be so much fun to have him home and be able to start figuring out how we are all going to start living and functioning together as a new little family.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah- I'm so happy for all of you... and can't wait to meet him! Im so glad things are falling into place and you are feeling so good so soon~ what an amazing journey... welcome baby!
