Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Charlotte's First Birthday!

Here are some photos of Charlotte as she turned the big 1.0!  We had a party with family and friends a few days after her actual birthday - so more photos from that soon.  But here are a few - she really loved the balloons and her new shopping cart - that get's filled with Sam's toys as she does laps around the house.

I took her to her 1 year Pediatrician appt as well - and he was very impressed by walking.  She weighed in at just over 26 pounds - which I imagine she will stay at for a little while as she is walking everywhere now and getting very tired.

Swings and Slides

From the park a few weekends ago:

Oddly we are making the same face ;)

Family Adventures

Seeing as Charlotte is so mobile (and so easy-going) we are now in a really good place that we can go on little family adventures during weekends - that usually focus on Sam's love of trains ;)

Here are some recent photos - the first is from when I took Sam to get his haircut in Belmont Center - and bribed him that we could eat our bagels and watch the train come.  He loves the commuter rail train - and always talks about how that is Aunt Christina's train :)

The following weekend we all went on the commuter rail into Boston - it was a really fun morning - we got the train, and Sam loved the ride into the city.  We then walked around North Station, got bagels (a theme you can see ;) and then took the train back out to be home for lunch.

Gordon made the trip with us

Charlotte would not let go of the apple core :)


Friday, March 1, 2013

Good morning Charlotte!


Charlotte loves avocado - she ate 3/4 of one a few nights back - she is also getting more teeth - hence the tongue :)

Winter Picnic

After I picked Sam up from play group at Mrs. T's house on Monday morning he said as we were getting out of the car that he wanted to have a picnic.  I asked where and he said in the driveway - so we compromised and he ate outside on the deck for lunch.  He was very sweet and was just sitting lunch and watching the birds and the houses he said :)