Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Active Wear

A quick post bcs I have to go wake up Sam in a few minutes. I am trying to keep him a bit more awake during the day to try to switch his clock over so he sleeps more in the night.

Today Geoff's Mum was my lifesaver and watched the baby in Belmont while I borrowed her car and ran some errands. I was so excited to get out of the house - it had been days and I was going stir crazy (poor Geoff!)

I did a bug pick up at Trader Joe's (which is quickly becoming my main grocery source over Whole Foods); a caramal (skinny) machiatto from Starbucks, a quick trip into Whole Foods and then into TJ Maxx for some very cheap clothes. I had to break down and buy some pants and clothes that fit me. I am about 20 pounds over my normal weight (arghh!!!) so nothing I own fits and I do not want to wear maternity clothes. So off to TJ Maxx to get cheap clothes as not to support my current state of being.

I did find a few things - and overall had a very successful outing and made it back in perfect time to chat with Geoff's Mum and then get dropped off at home.

Gosh - what a difference some fresh air, sunlight makes - getting out of the house is such a treat it really does wonders for my mindset.

Tonight Jeremy and Amanda are coming over with dinner for us - so very sweet of them - I can't wait to hang out - in my new fancy sweat pants that is - TJ Maxx has an official section for them - called Active Wear ;)

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