Friday, November 27, 2009

Modified bed rest - day 2 + Turkey day recap

So yesterday was Thanksgiving and it was really quite a fun day. I took it easy until about 10am and then got ready for Colleens from 10-11. We arrived at Colleen's around noon to commence the Thanksgiving BBQ. It was really fun - my parents were there with Colleen, Ricky and their kids, my Aunt Babe came over as well and then Geoff and I. Relatively small though bcs Kevin was at Holly's and Meghan and Cade did not fly up. I did call Meghan yesterday en route to Colleen's but have not heard from her how she and Cade spent the holiday. After that we came home and I laid down for a while - I ended up falling asleep and so did Geoff - so we did not get to Belmont until just about 6pm - which ended up being perfect for timing (for us ;) but we did not help out setting up as much as normal. For dinner there was the Palmers and Christina's parents and of course Nicholas made his Thanksgiving debut :) Nicholas was so well behaved and pretty much slept through the entire dinner until his meal time just around dessert. He is such a well behaved baby though - he does not fuss at all (minus the ""i'm getting hungry" little cries - but besides that he is really a happy and very content baby. It was really fun to have dinner with Christina's parents they are really, really delightful people and so kind and fun. Geoff's Mum made a very incredible meal and everything turned out perfectly - including the flour less chocolate cake :) Geoff did a ton of dishes during dessert (bcs his belly was not feeling that well) so we left after dessert and came home to watch an episode of Mad Men in bed.

Today, well my schedule got pretty cleared with the news I need to be on modified bed rest. So I just folded the pre-fold diapers and wipes, am going to go to Belmont center for stamps and Starbucks and then will fill my day with things that involve productive sitting - like folding laundry. Geoff is going to have to keep the washer and dryer going constantly for me to keep relatively busy ;)

Besides that today is the day that Geoff is painting the nursery! :) I am so very excited - we are getting there and soon enough we will be able to have the nursery set up. I forget if I mentioned it, but we got the decorations for the nursery in the mail a few days ago and I am really happy with them. No too much - just a few accent pieces to give a nod to having a "theme" or some coherent motif. We also got the new vacuum in the mail today - Geoff picked out a really great one and it is really quite cool - I never thought I would be so excited about a vacuum - but that is where my life is currently ;) The electric broom has served us well over the last 6 years but time to upgrade to something that actually sucks things clean.


  1. thanks for being my folwer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hi Kelley! This is Alex's mom, watching and waiting like everyone else! Did you ask what modified bedrest means? I am thinking you should be home more, lol! Let someone bring you Starbucks!
