Monday, June 22, 2009

Trying times

So Geoff became officially unemployed today as he heard the news at work this morning that they will not be paying people for the next 2 weeks while they figure out what to do with the company. I feel really bad for him bcs that is incredibly difficult, especially how much effort he has put into the company and wants it to work.

Today was kind of a tough day in general. Besides the fact that I was relatively happy with my weight this morning (145) I ended up crying when trying to get dressed. It is just so hard to find clothes to wear in this rainy weather that fit me and do not look like maternity clothes. I really do not have a belly big enough to justify full-on maternity clothes, but none of my regular clothes (especially my spring and summer clothes when I am usually a bit lighter) fit comfortably. We also do not have the extra money for me to be spending on clothes so that adds to the stress and constraints. I did buy a few items (white jeans, black pants and black bella band) at A Pea in the Pod on Newbury last week, but I cannot make a habit of that. I got all the items on sale (significantly on sale for that matter) but they are still out of our budget.

So on that theme - money - ugh. Geoff and I have been quite stressed about it for a while now. He has not really had an income for almost a year now. His parents have been so extremely generous in letting us stay in Belmont, but I feel like we are well overdue in moving forward in our lives. Things could be a million times worse, and I understand that, but it does not make things that much easier when you feel like a burden on family and that your life has been effectively stuck in the same place for bout a year. Granted Geoff has made strides by getting the position at EdNets, but we have not see any tangible results of his efforts to date.

Geoff has been working on reconciling our recipts and expenses from last June till now. He stopped doing his half in June and I stopped doing my half in October. The lesson of the story is that it is easier to do it month by month (like we used to) and not let it pile up. I think the receipts are telling a depressing story about how our expenses are not aligning with our income. I am willing to make sacrifices in my life (i.e. shop at Whole Foods less) but I have to work on finding those things that will make me sacrifice my health to do so.

Well it is 9pm so I must head off to bed to make sure my Tuesday is managable :)

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