Sunday, June 21, 2009

House hunting

Today we have about 3 open houses to attend to - I am kind of excited about one of the houses, but it is in east Lexington and (event though it says "close to the T" in the description) I think it could be a pain to actually get to the T - without riding three miles on your bike. Lily is sitting in my lap right now and I just had to type my first sentence with just my right hand. I then freed my left hand from her head and front paws, in order to type but she is now half sitting and half laying on my left hand so it is a bit in mobile. I have never met a cat that requires so many cuddles ;)

Last night was Geoff's Mums B-day dinner and it was a lot of fun - we did an open source dinner of sorts (the new pot-luck ;) and all contributed a bit.

I need to get some exercise in today, I have not done so for exactly a week. I am still trying to find a female pre-natal trainer at a Boston Sport Club though. The (pre-natal certified) trainers that they have available at the Government Center or Downtown Crossing club are all men. Kind of annoying - it is bad enough that I have to go to a co-ed gym, but I really do not want a male trainor on top of that, especially in regards to a subject he has absolultly no idea or understanding of.

This week should be anouther busy one at work - I am already booked every hour until Friday at 2pm. I am going to be working remotely on Friday this week, instead of Monday, bcs of a meeting I need to attend tomorrow. I only have 2 more days working remotely left on my calendar - I am going to miss it - that is for sure! It was such a help to have that one day to catch up on my emails and get things into a manageble position. I think I may just start blocking out days that I am not available for meetings. I just cannot get anything done if I am booked devery hour with meetings. My inbox just fills up and I just get behind. One solution would be to go in early and stay late, but I am just not up for doing that at this stage of my life. I really want my job to stay 8:30-5:00pm and not infringe upon the few hours of free time I have each day.

Well I am going to download a few podacats (from Pea in the Pod that I started to download yesterday) and then re-download the Pregtastic podcast from last week (the hormone one that I did not 100% finish before it somehow got deleted from my files). With podcasts in hand I will then hit the treadmill for a walk and some streching :)

ps - for the record, I weigh 148 pounds today. I was around 142 from March through April and then in late May I went up to 145 and since then I have creeped up to 148. My Dr. thinks I am doing just fine with my weight, but I kind of feel fat and not like myself, I am just not used to being this weight (or if I came close I would get in shape and feel better in a few weeks.) I just hope my face does not get fat and bloated... I am okay with a big belly but I do not want a fat face. Also, while I am putting in requests I would prefer for my butt and thighs not to spread too much - they are big enough as they are :)

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