Sunday, July 5, 2009

Winding down the holiday weekend

Geoff and I went to my parents today to see everyone. We brought 2 pizzas with us and quickly learned that we really should have brought three ;) We hung out there for a while and then left the lake around 4:00pm. We hit some crazy traffic on 93S but still made it home in just over 2 hours, which included a pit stop at the NH welcome center.

I got home and realized I had no fruit or veg. for lunch tomorrow so Geoff took me to Whole Foods and I got my food for the first half of the week and also bought ingredients for dinner. I am working on a few loads of laundry and also cooked Greek baked pasta for us to have for dinner tomorrow night. I figured it would be nice for his Mum bcs they are flying out on Tuesday and she has enough on her mind getting things wrapped up with the house before she leaves.

I got in a slight disagreement with my Mom today which bothered me. She basically (and unsurprisingly) does not think a home birth is safe and I should have the baby at MGH. I am not surprised, but I obviously did not convince her - which may be an impossible task. It is not like I am against the hospital and recognize its benefits in case of labor complications, but I still want to exmplore home birth, a birthing center and MGH before making our final decision. It is alot to think about and weight the pros and cons are but we are really just trying to do the nest thing for the baby and for me.

Well I must head to bed to I start the week off on the right foot :)

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