Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wating for Geoff's tea to brew

So this week has been going pretty well. Sunday night I had made the Greek baked pasta for dinner so then we ate it on Monday night bcs Geoff's parents were busy getting ready to go away for a few weeks (England wedding, Sicily, then another wedding in England). It came out pretty well and I know Geoff's Mum appreciated not having to think or deal with dinner for a night.

Last night Geoff made pizza (as I exercised - walked on treadmill). My weight had crept up to 152.5 pounds yesterday so I was a bit concerned about that. I found a chart online that lets you track your weight gain by week (with a high and low range marked on the graph) and I fell just about in the middle of the range. Today I am 151.5.

I had to change my Dr. appt. for this week from Thursday morning to Friday afternoon bcs the presentation to senior staff got moved from Wed. morning to Thursday morning. I want to ask her about my vitamin intake in light of the recommendations from Dr. Greene book. I just completed a podcast on Epidurals which was interesting - and the tidbit that 75% of all women get them during labor.

I also got in the mail all the maternity clothes that I had orded (all on sale) from Target and Pea in the Pod. The Target stuff is okay - it is not that nicely made, and not really work clothes. The Pea in the Pod stuff is def. better quality, but it is kind of annoying that they charge so much and only give you the option of Sm, Med, or Large. I think this is pretty standard, but I expect the best fit possible if I am paying extra. I am okay with the Target stuff just giving you those size options but wish they had a few more editions for better made clothing. From the lot I am going to return 1 shirt to Target and then 2 shirts to Pea in the Pod (one bcs I ordered 2 by mistake and the onther one just bcs I willnot wear it.) So I have a little bit more fall clothes stored, now I need to work on my immediaite needs - like pants, dresses, and a shirts tat are just a bit larger but the shirts do not need to be matiernity - but a litle longer in length would be great to cover the band.

Well off to get Geoff's tea and then wake him up :)

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