Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sweater from Debra

Before Sam was born - a VP at my company made a sweater for him for my work baby shower.  I was so amazed by her thoughtfulness bcs she is so incredibly busy and is always traveling around the country.  We had a full management meeting on Monday afternoon, and she amazed me again by coming over to say hi and asking about Sam.  It is really incredible to work at a place where everyone is so family friendly and genuinely interested in your happiness.

I just took these photos of Sam to send along to Debra to add to her collection of photos of babies that have her sweaters :)  Funny, when I came home from work and told my Mom the story she told me she had Sam in that sweater earlier in the day, so he was literally wearing the sweater when I was talking to her ;)


  1. These are my new favorite photos of Sam. What lovely smiles. And what a beautiful sweater!

  2. What a ham~ super grin Sam!!

  3. Like father, like son .....
