Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Little Nightcap

Sam is getting really good at holding his bottle - he consistently holds it now - soon enough he will be able to feed himself ;) Well that is after he learns how to walk downstairs, mix and shake up a bottle and then walk back upstairs to feed himself ;)  In this photo he just wanted a little bit more to eat when Lauren was putting him down :)


  1. Man, I cant wait until Wes can walk UPstairs, mix his bottle and feed himself! Although, the past few days he seems to have decided he can forgo a midnight snack, sleeping 9:30 give or take until about 5:30 or so without feeding, so I guess I'll settle with that for now!

  2. That is awesome!! Isn't it amazing when they do that - and how you feel like a new person after getting 7 hours of sleep (straight)! :)
