Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sweater from Debra

Before Sam was born - a VP at my company made a sweater for him for my work baby shower.  I was so amazed by her thoughtfulness bcs she is so incredibly busy and is always traveling around the country.  We had a full management meeting on Monday afternoon, and she amazed me again by coming over to say hi and asking about Sam.  It is really incredible to work at a place where everyone is so family friendly and genuinely interested in your happiness.

I just took these photos of Sam to send along to Debra to add to her collection of photos of babies that have her sweaters :)  Funny, when I came home from work and told my Mom the story she told me she had Sam in that sweater earlier in the day, so he was literally wearing the sweater when I was talking to her ;)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Little Nightcap

Sam is getting really good at holding his bottle - he consistently holds it now - soon enough he will be able to feed himself ;) Well that is after he learns how to walk downstairs, mix and shake up a bottle and then walk back upstairs to feed himself ;)  In this photo he just wanted a little bit more to eat when Lauren was putting him down :)


We have been having a remarkably lovely Spring this year - we have been outside a lot with Sam and trying to get outdoors as much as possible.  He really loves it - there is plenty to hold his attention.  We just put a bird feeder in the back yard as well to add to his entertainment :)

Here are a few photos from 4/18/10 of him sitting the back yard.  Lauren gave him the jacket he has on - it is really perfect for this time of year!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Would you let him into your country?

Lauren and I took Sam to the CVS in Belmont Center to get his first passport photo :)  Lauren was holding him upright so you can see her arm behind him.  Funny - they had the same colored tops on so they kind of blend.  I think the photo is just hilarious and also wonderful for the fact that his hot nanny will be traveling with him :)

Tea with Dad

Last weekend Sam showed a great interest in his Dad's tea mug - Geoff was very proud :)

I love this next photo bcs of his little pinky finger - that must be genetic :) 

Also, I don't know if you can see, but he is wearing one of my new favorite socks for him - they have stripes on one foot and polka dots on the other :)

New Moms reunion

Our new mom's class ended a month or so ago - so we had our first reunion on 4/10.  I hosted the reunion at our house and my 3 favorite Moms came with their babies.  Lauren joined us as well - and Geoff popped his head in to say hi - I was so happy everyone could meet :)  Funny my closets friends from the new mom's class are called Lauren and Kelly.  So we had 2 Laurens here, 2 Kell(e)ys and 1 Simin.  It was really cool how it all worked out - they were all my favorite Moms and we are planning to meet up again - at Lauren's house in Winchester - on Saturday May 8th.  Sam pretty much slept through the entire lunch date, except that he woke up at the very end when we were trying to get a group photo of the kids.  As you can see he was very much so unhappy about being awake an not being immediately given a bottle ;)

From left to right - Sam, Violet, Vincent, and Arden.  Vincent is exactly a week younger than Sam (though bigger bcs he came our over 10 pounds) - and the two girls are a month younger than the boys.

Mobile action

My sister Colleen gave Sam a really terrific mobile - besides 3 different sounds and the rotating action - it also has a light show functionality that he just loves!  He is a very active little guy - but here is a photo of him kicking away loving his mobile :)  I have this on video as well - but you can tell from the blurry spots that he is on the move ;)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Lounging in the park

Yesterday we had unseasonably warm weather - I think it hit 90 degrees!  I was working remotely all day so Lauren took Sam to the park to hang out in the afternoon.  This is Sam really enjoying his nanny's finger :)  He is getting really good at grabbing stuff - it is incredibly cute!


Easter morning Geoff's parents minded Sam as we got some yard work done and then we headed to my parents house for Easter around 2pm.  After we all ate, Sam took a nap on the couch:

Note the bunny outfit from my Mom - too funny - he is totally not a fuzzy bunny kind of guy -  I think he is more like a bulldog ;)

After that we went to Geoff's parents for dinner - we were able to eat outside on their patio - it was def. the first Easter meal I have ever eaten outdoors - we had a really nice time!

Photos with his cousins :)

So the Friday before Easter we all got together to have a group photo of the grandkids done for my Mom - here is the result :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

All by myself :)

Lauren took this photo of Sam when they were hanging out at the Starbucks in Lexington Center today - he has started to hold his bottle - he will be feeding himself soon enough (or we can hope ;)