Friday, September 14, 2012

Sam - first day of Pre-School

This was a very big week for the Palmer household as Sam completed his first week at pre-school.  He is enrolled in the Belmont Co-Op Nursery School and is scheduled for 2 mornings a week.  We thought this would be a good supplement to his schedule so he is not stuck with the baby all the time - and help fill in the play gap seeing as he is no longer in nanny share with Nicholas.  His teachers are evry sweet and one of them is planning on running a play group on Mondays that we hope to get Sam into.  Amazing how proud of was of him - this is the first time he has been dropped off and by himself with new teachers and friends.  He did an hour on Tuesday and the full 3 hours on Thursday.  He was so cute when I picked him up on Thursday - he was kissing my arm when I was holding his hand walking back to care.  I think he geniunly liked the experience and was so happy.

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