Sunday, May 20, 2012

2 Months old!

Charlotte is an even 2 months old today :)  She slept 6 hours last night in a row and has been getting pretty good at that.  Nights are a bit blurry but I think she has done that 3 out of the last 4 nights.  She is an even 13 pounds and is loosing her dark hair and has lighter colored hair growing underneath.  She is such a happy baby and so easy going.  She is awake more during the days and we are getting into a pretty regular schedule.  The weather is really lovely these days and getting her dressed is so easy - no need for many layers and bundling.  She has been cooing and making noise for a few weeks and looks and watches things.  She is starting to wave her arms in the directions of things, so I imagine grabbing will be in the near-ish future.

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