Thursday, January 27, 2011

Let is snow, let is snow, let it snow

It was really lovely out today so Gisela and I took Sam out to see all the snow that has accumulated over the past few weeks.  The snow banks are so incredibly high - it is getting difficult to find places to throw the snow when shoveling ;)

Uh - I think I lost my hand...

How Rock-Stars take baths :)

From his bath today with Gisela :)

A little Billy Idol


So I have not had a chance to post in a few weeks, for a few reasons.  Number 1) I started a new job on 1/3 and have been occupied settling in there 2) my laptop was running slowly so Geoff gave it to a guy at his work to fix (which was very generous of said person to offer), but I think at this point that person has forgotten about it.  3) Sam and I both came down with colds the first week in January - Sam got his first ear infection bcs of it and was really uncomfortable for a week or so.  4) We have had an incredible amount of snow this month, and the snow blower we were given is broken so I have been doing a lot of shoveling 5) through also into the mix Geoff traveling for work and you have there a very good recipe for little free time ;)

Anyways, here are a few photos of Sam from the past few weeks - he is walking more and more everyday and is such a hilarious little guy. His new favorite game is called "Bunnies" - invented by Geoff - in which you hold him and jump up and down as everyone else in the room jumps up and down as well.  It is really good fun.
Sam went straight for the tortilla chips when Geoff was watching football with some friends

Playing with his new toy - I bought this for Wes for his birthday and knew Sam would like one as well :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Holiday Card

This is the photo of Sam from our Holiday card this year - I messed up and did not order enough cards for everyone I wanted to send one to - so this is the next best thing ;)

Late breaking snow

A photo of Sam from a week or so ago when we got about a foot of snow - I just found this on my phone, hence the delay ;)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Rounding out 2010

A few photos as we wrapped up 2010:

A little morning reading after breakfast

Sam "hiding" from us ;)

 A hint of a lip curl here - that's our boy :)

Christmas 2010

So technically this was Sam's 2nd Christmas holiday, but this year I think he had a lot more fun :)  We went to my sister Colleen's on Christmas Eve and the kids opened gifts from Aunts and Uncles.  Christmas day we did stockings at Geoff's parents house, and then went to my parents for brunch.  As always there was a really good crowd at my parents and we got to see a lot of my family and their friends.  After brunch we came back to Arlington, and then headed to Belmont for dinner.  Dinner was really incredible and wonderful all around - minus Sam getting sick and me having to scrub baby puke from the carpet ;)  Here are a few shots from Christmas 2010:

Watching Cade at Colleen's house

Sam's Christmas outfit

Sam waving with his feet :)