Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sitting Up

Sam has pretty much mastered the art of sitting up.  We did not capture the first occasion on film, and I honestly forget at this point when we saw it, but here are some photos from the weekend when he was sitting/wobbling ;)
He is sitting on a play mat the his Aunt Christina made for him - it is really prefect, it has Patriots logos on one side and Red Sox logos on the alternate side - so Sam is always in season :)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Rockin' the white t-shirt


Sam in a tank top last weekend from Jeannie and Mike - summer time is here :)

Father's Day

Last Sunday was Geoff's first Father's Day - he got breakfast in bed and then hours of poker and a BBQ with some of his favorite peeps. Here is Sam taking a nap on Father's Day and then after wards :)


Saturday, June 19, 2010

1st cold = cuddles in Mom and Dad's bed ;)

Sam came down with a cold late this week and has been feeling really under the weather.  We had a pretty rough night last night as he woke up crying just about ever 45 minute to an hour.  So Geoff and I are looking a little rough around the edges, but Sam seems to be on the mend ;)

Here is a photos of Geoff and Sam napping this morning - I love how they are in similar sleeping position :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Packing with Lauren

Sam was helping Lauren pack for her trip to Seattle and was trying to sweet talk his way into her taking him for the week.  He is definitly going to miss her - so will we!! 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Half a year B-day

Sam turned 6 months on Thursday.  It is really quite amazing he has been with us (on the outside) for half a year now.  Last week was my first week back at work (and in the office) 5 days a week - so I only had time to snap a quite photo at night when Geoff was playing with Sam:

Toy Blanket

Jeremy's Mom Ronnie gave Sam the most adorable toy blanket when he was born.  It is this super soft blanket with a little bull dog on it.  It is really perfect for Sam bcs he just loves fabrics and his I think the cuddly but serious dog suits his personality ;)


Last weekend we took Sam to the Aquarium.  We spent most of our time around the main tank.  It has these perfect little viewing spots where Sam could stand on the ledge and watch all the fish go by.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

For the holiday weekend we joined Geoff's parents at their lake house on Saturday and then came back on Monday afternoon for Sam and Nicholas' 6 month tea party which Geoff's Mum hosted.  It was a really great weekend overall, the weather was perfect and Sam and I went on many walks.  Here are a few photos from the weekend - both on the deck.  Do notice in the first photo that the sun is just coming up - yes we (Sam and I) were up that early on the Monday holiday - he must have missed the memo that that is a day to sleep in ;)